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>> Valid PK0-005 Exam Pattern <<
CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam exam practice questions play a crucial role in CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam PK0-005 exam preparation and give you insights CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam exam view. You are aware of the CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam PK0-005 exam topics, structure, and a number of the questions that you will face in the upcoming CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam PK0-005 Exam. You can evaluate your Salesforce CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam exam preparation performance and work on the weak topic areas. But here is the problem where you will get CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam exam questions.
During a sponsor meeting, a PM is assigned to manage a new external project for an IT consultant. The
sponsor wants the PM to establish an agreement regarding the exchange of money between both parties.
Which of the following documents would the PM most likely create?
Answer: D
A formal contract is a legal document that defines the terms and conditions of the agreement between the
project parties, such as the scope, schedule, budget, quality, deliverables, roles and responsibilities, payment
methods, and dispute resolution mechanisms. A formal contract is essential for external projects, especially
when there is an exchange of money involved, to protect the interests and rights of both parties and to ensure
mutual understanding and compliance. A formal contract is different from a business requirement, which is a
statement of the needs and expectations of the customer or stakeholder for the project outcome. A formal
contract is also different from a client statement of work, which is a document that describes the work to be
performed, the deliverables to be provided, and the acceptance criteria to be met by the project vendor or
contractor. A formal contract is also different from a project charter, which is a document that authorizes the
project and provides the high-level information about the project objectives, scope, stakeholders, and project
manager. References = CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4: Project
Integration Management1; CompTIA Project+ Certification Study Guide, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4: Project
Integration Management2; 11 Essential Documents To Use as a Project Manager3
During the project initiation phase, a project manager needs to construct a project schedule and show the project dependencies. Which of the following should the project manager use for this task?
Answer: C
The Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) is used to visually represent tasks, dependencies, and sequencing in a project schedule. This technique is consistent with CompTIA Project+ guidelines for planning and managing project timelines.
Which of the following would be best to utilize when managing communications for project teams across multiple time zones?
Answer: D
A business collaboration tool is a software that enables teams to communicate, share, and create together online. A business collaboration tool can help project teams across multiple time zones to overcome the challenges of distance, time differences, and cultural diversity. A business collaboration tool can provide features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, document editing, project management, and more. A business collaboration tool can also integrate with other applications and platforms that the project team uses. A business collaboration tool can improve the efficiency, productivity, and quality of the project team's work12. Reference = CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4: Project Communications, p. 137; The 15 best collaboration tools for productive teams - Workable; 17 Best Business Collaboration Tools for Teams - Venngage
A project manager and team are reviewing a task that is supposed to take nine days to complete and cost $3,000. There is a 20% chance that an associated risk related to changing requirements could occur, resulting in rework that would add an additional five days and $1,000 in costs. Which of the following represents the total amount that should be budgeted for the task?
Answer: D
The total amount that should be budgeted for the task is calculated by adding the expected value of the risk to the original estimate. The expected value of the risk is the product of the probability and the impact of the risk. In this case, the expected value of the risk is 0.2 x (5 days and $1,000) = 1 day and $200. Therefore, the total amount that should be budgeted for the task is 9 days and $3,000 + 1 day and $200 = 10 days and $3,2001.
A contractor attended a project meeting that was exclusively for company employees. Which of the following actions should the PM take?
Answer: A
The rules of engagement are the guidelines and expectations that define the relationship between the contractor and the company. They may include topics such as communication, confidentiality, access, security, performance, and compliance. The project manager should reinforce the rules of engagement with the contractor to ensure that they understand and respect the boundaries and protocols of the company. This will help to avoid any potential conflicts, misunderstandings, or breaches of contract. Reference = CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 7: Project Stakeholder Management, p. 239; Contractor Rules of Engagement - Cox Enterprises, p. 1; Legal Considerations for Engaging Contractors | LegalVision
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